Saturday 27 September 2014

31 Healthy and Portable High-Protein Snacks.

Whether it’s fueling up before hitting the gym or taking a midday snack break to avoid the 2 p.m. high -protein snacks are the tastiest way to keep on going. Protein snacks are the perfect way to fill up just enough, and give us longer-lasting energy than the usual, carb-heavy options. Here are 31 of our favorite protein-packed snacks!

1. Cottage-Style Fruit
Top 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 1/2 cup of your favorite fruit. Not sure what fruit to pick? Try some superfoods! Bananas, mixed berries and melon are a few Greatist favorites.

2. Beef or Turkey Jerky
Be careful to avoid sodium- and sugar-filled brands, but low-sodium, natural, or lightly-flavored options are a great source of protein. A one-ounce serving (the size of most single-serve packs) contains about 9 grams of protein! This chewy snack is also super portable and keeps fresh for months when packed properly.

3. Mixed Nuts or Trail Mix
Mixed nuts provide an easy way to get a delicious dose of protein in a convenient, shelf-stable package. Try a mixed bunch for variety and a combo with dried fruit for some added sweetness. The best bang for your protein buck? Almonds and pistachios. They're higher in protein than their nutty peers.

4. Pumpkin Seeds
Those orange gourds aren’t just for Halloween. Pumpkin insides, scooped out to make room for spooky faces, can actually make a healthy little snack once they’re washed, dried, and nicely roasted. Just 1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds has about 14 grams of protein, making it the perfect pre-workout snack!
5. Hard-Boiled Eggs
Inexpensive and loaded with nutrients, eggs are one of the best ways to get a healthy dose of protein. Try hard boiling and pre-peeling a dozen at the start of the week and throw one in a small Tupperware container each day for an easy on-the-go snack. (Feeling extra famished? Slice the egg and place it on a piece of whole-wheat bread.)

For more tips, visit --

Monday 15 September 2014

Easy Tips for Planning a Healthy Diet and Sticking to It.

Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and stabilizing your mood.

If you feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting nutrition and diet advice out there, you’re not alone. It seems that for every expert who tells you a certain food is good for you, you’ll find another saying exactly the opposite. But by using these simple tips, you can cut through the confusion and learn how to create a tasty, varied, and healthy diet.

Healthy eating tip 1: Set yourself up for success.
To set yourself up for success, think about planning a healthy diet as a number of small, manageable steps rather than one big drastic change. If you approach the changes gradually and with commitment, you will have a healthy diet sooner than you think.

Simplify: Instead of being overly concerned with counting calories or measuring portion sizes, think of your diet in terms of color, variety, and freshness. This way it should be easier to make healthy choices. Focus on finding foods you love and easy recipes that incorporate a few fresh ingredients. Gradually, your diet will become healthier and more delicious.
Start slow and make changes to your eating habits over time: Trying to make your diet healthy overnight isn’t realistic or smart. Changing everything at once usually leads to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan. Make small steps, like adding a salad (full of different color vegetables) to your diet once a day or switching from butter to olive oil when cooking. As your small changes become habit, you can continue to add more healthy choices to your diet.
Every change you make to improve your diet matters: You don’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to completely eliminate foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet. The long term goal is to feel good, have more energy, and reduce the risk of cancer and disease. Don’t let your missteps derail you—every healthy food choice you make counts.

For more tips, visit:

Saturday 13 September 2014

How to Get a Flat Stomach (5 Easy Steps).

How to Get a Flat Stomach in 5 Easy Steps! Getting a flat tummy doesn't have to be painful or daunting! These tips are so easy and fun that you can do them too! ;-)

Battle of the Beverages: Tea is Better for Long-Term Health than Coffee.

It’s sure to start a battle of the beverages, but a new study is making the claim that tea may be better for your long-term health than coffee.

Presented in France, this study looked at the overall health of both tea and coffee drinkers for seven years. As shape reveals, those who drank tea had a 24 percent lower non-cardiovascular mortality rate than coffee drinkers.

The presenter of the study, Nicolas Danchin, M.D., Ph.D., said in a release, “If you have to choose between tea or coffee it’s probably better to drink tea. Coffee and tea are important components of our way of life.” That’s definitely true. Many people simply can’t start their day without a few sips of tea or coffee. Happily, this morning habit isn’t a bad one to develop at all. Both tea and coffee have been shown to have health benefits when consumed in reasonable amounts.

According to Professor Danchin, tea may even be a better choice than abstaining from either drink.
However, the professor does admit that overall lifestyle may have something to do with the difference in mortality rates of coffee and tea drinkers. In the study, tea drinkers appeared to lead healthier lifestyles in general. For example, those who drank coffee were more likely to smoke, whereas those who drank tea were overall more physically active. So, the healthier lifestyle of tea drinkers may boost the perception of tea’s health benefits.

“Tea has antioxidants which may provide survival benefits,” Professor Danchin said. “Tea drinkers also have healthier lifestyles so does tea drinking reflect a particular person profile or is it tea, per se, that improves outcomes – for me that remains an open question”. “Pending the answer to that question, I think that you could fairly honestly recommend tea drinking rather than coffee drinking and even rather than not drinking anything at all.” 

Monday 8 September 2014

How Does Papaya Help In Weight Loss?

Papaya is well known for its low fat, cholesterol free and low calorie nature. Based on this fact, papaya has been proven to be an ideal fruit that can be added in a diet. Many of you might be still wondering that what has papaya to do with weight loss. One should keep in mind that the best way to shed weight is by burning larger amount of calories. This is an all rounder fruit as it contains vitamins, iron, calcium, riboflavin and also few enzymes. This fruit is filled up with lots of nutritional values. Thus, the main role of papaya is that it helps in the perfect functioning of the digestive system.

The benefit of papaya for weight loss is that it is a strong as it deals many digestive problems such as constipation, rotting waste and many more. Proper excretion of wastes helps to keep the body fit and fine. When a person’s digestive system and excretory system functions properly then it becomes really easy to shed the extra unwanted weight. As this fat burning fruit helps in the proper disposal of wastes, it therefore protects the skin and makes it smoother. And that is how papaya benefits weight loss.

How to Consume Papaya
    Papaya can be eaten raw. You just need to slice it into small cubes. It is recommended to consume papaya along with some other food as it works best when taken with fat.
Your breakfast can become more delicious and at the same time nutritious if you prepare a papaya smoothie. Preparation of the smoothie is very easy and time saving. Just mix the mashed papaya with milk, yogurt or juice. You can also add your favorite fruit to it. If you wish to thicken the smoothie then you can add a banana to it.
You may try out something new by preparing a fruit salad based on ripe papaya. Cut cubes of papaya and other preferred fruits of you.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

8-Minute Cardio Intervals Workout.

About this Workout
This short and simple cardio workout will elevate your heart rate to burn calories and fat in just minutes!
  • Length: 8 minutes
  • Equipment: None
  • Type of Workout: Cardio (aerobic) & flexibility
  • Fitness Level: Beginner to Advanced
  • Impact: Medium impact
  • Safety Precautions: Wear proper footwear. Exercise at your own intensity level, using tips provided to lower your intensity if necessary. Only complete as much of the video as you can, taking a break to recover (by marching) when necessary. Never stop abruptly--if you get tired, try to stay moving--even if you're just walking in place. As you progress, try to finish the entire video or to repeat the video several times.

Monday 1 September 2014

5 health benefits of eating strawberries.

Best 4 Smoothies for Breakfast.

It is very important to start your day with food that will give you a lot of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber and antioxidants.

It is great for refreshing and boosting energy. Also this food will help you to detox your body and to clean free radicals from your body.

Start your day with glass of some tasty smoothie or juice and you will feel huge differences. You will have more concentration for your daily obligations, you will have more energy. So, prepare fresh juice or smoothie and enjoy in perfect start of your day.

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