Saturday 21 March 2015

10 Minute Abs!

It's here! The ten minute down and dirty version of this most popular workout! 

Thursday 19 March 2015

10-Minute Cardio Quickie Workout With Jessica Smith.

Great cardio workout!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

No Gear Here.

Pushups are proof positive that gravity makes your body one hell of a workout tool. Which is fan-freakin'-tastic, because getting to the gym--or even locating your own dumbbells (need a forensic detective?)--isn't always realistic.

We asked WH columnist Amy Dixon, an exercise physiologist and group fitness manager at Equinox in Santa Monica, California, to design a killer head-to-toe body-weight routine you can do any time, anywhere. Tackle the moves two non consecutive days a week and you'll look tighter and feel stronger within four weeks.
MOVE 1Chair Pose Squat
30 secs
Works upper body, core, and lower body 

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and your arms at your sides. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keeping your arms straight, bring them forward and up until your upper arms are in line with your ears (A).Return to standing, then lift your right knee to hip height as you sweep your arms down across your body until the back of your left hand is outside your right knee (B). Return to standing and repeat on the other side. That's one rep. Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps, resting for 30 seconds between sets.
MOVE 2Rock 'n Roll Core
30 secs
Works core

Get in plank position with your forearms flat on the floor and your palms down (A). Keeping your hands in place and using your feet as the pivot point, twist your body to the left as far as possible without losing your balance (B). Repeat to the right (C). That's one rep. Do three sets of 8 to 10 reps, resting for 30 seconds between sets.

MOVE 3Front Lunge Floor Reach And Reverse Twist
30 secs
Works arms, core, back, and legs

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Lunge forward with your left leg so your right knee is nearly touching the floor and your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Bending forward, try to touch the floor on either side of your left foot (A). Push off your left foot; using that momentum, shift your weight to your right foot and swing your left leg behind you. As you sink backward into a lunge, rotate your torso 45 degrees to the right (B). Return to standing. That's one rep. Do 12 to 15 and repeat on the other side. That's one set. Do three, resting for 30 seconds between sets.
MOVE 4Pushup Crawl
12 - 15
30 seconds
Works chest, core, and hips

Get in plank position with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart (A). Lower your chest as close to the floor as you can. Holding that position, lift your right knee to the outside of your right elbow (B). Return to plank position, then push back up to start; repeat on the other side. That's one rep. Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps, resting for 30 seconds between sets.
MOVE 5Grand Plie Squat Reach and Jump
12 - 15
30 seconds
Builds lower-body strength and power

Stand with your legs wide apart, toes turned out and arms at your sides. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor and you're low enough to touch it with your fingertips (A). Immediately jump up as high as you can, keeping your legs wide and extending your arms straight overhead (B).That's one rep. Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps, resting for 30 seconds between sets.
MOVE 6Tricep Pushup
12 - 15
30 seconds
Works triceps, chest, and core

Get in plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart (A). Lower your chest toward the floor while keeping your upper arms parallel to your sides and your elbows pointing straight back (B). Push back up to start. That's one rep. Do three sets of 12 to 15 reps, resting for 30 seconds between sets. To make it easier, lower your knees to the ground. There's no shame in girl pushups! 

MOVE 7One Leg Squat Floor Reach And Press
12 - 15
30 seconds
Works core and lower body 

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Bend your left knee, lifting your foot behind you. Squat down and raise your right arm out to the side to shoulder height, then reach your left hand down across your body, touching the floor outside your right toes (A). Stand up as you lift your left hand toward the ceiling, lower your right arm to your side, and raise your left thigh to hip level in front of you (B). Lower your left leg and repeat on the other side. That's one rep. Do 12 to 15 for a set. Do three sets, resting for 30 seconds between sets. 

Banana Berry Smoothie.


1 cup
 sliced banana
1 cup
 unsweetened frozen berries
1 cup
 non-fat or 1% milk
1 cup
 orange juice


  1. Place all ingredients in a blender. Put the lid on tightly.
  2. Blend until smooth. If too thick, add 1/2 cup cold water and blend again.
  3. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.


Try using strawberries, blueberries, and/or blackberries.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Corn Pancakes.


1⁄2 cup
1⁄2 cup
 all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon
 baking powder
1⁄2 teaspoon
large eggs
1⁄2 cup
 non-fat or 1% milk
2 cups
 cooked corn* (fresh, frozen or canned/drained)
cooking spray for skillet


  1. Mix corn meal, flour, baking powder and salt.
  2. Beat the eggs and milk together and add to the flour mixture.
  3. Add corn and mix well.
  4. Lightly oil skillet. Preheat pan on medium-high heat (350 degrees in an electric skillet).
  5. Pour batter onto hot skillet to make individual pancakes.
  6. Cook until golden on the bottom. Turn and cook on other side.
  7. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.


*Fresh corn works very well in this recipe. Cook 2 large ears of corn for 5 minutes in boiling water then cool in very cold water.  Cut kernels off the cob, cream style, (cut kernels with shallow cut then scrape the cob for the rest of the kernel). Add to batter. 
  • Try serving with salsa or applesauce.  
  • This recipe can also be made quickly with your favorite pancake mix. Make enough batter for six servings. Then, add 1 can drained corn or 2 cups cooked fresh corn cut off the cob. 

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Lean & Fit In 7 Minutes.

Complete one circuit without stopping, rest for 60 to 90 seconds, and then bust out one or two more circuits. Aim for two to three nonconsecutive days a week.
MOVE 1Overhead Squat
Targets core, upper back, and legs

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out slightly. Grab a rolled-up towel with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart, and raise it overhead so your shoulders are roughly in line with your heels (A). Squat down as far as possible without letting your knees jut out past your toes (B). Return to standing. That's one rep. Do 10 to 15.

Trainer Tip The towel helps keep your shoulders aligned. Sans towel, raise your hands overhead--but keep your shoulders back and in line with your heels.
MOVE 2Airplane/ Superman Extensions
Targets core, lower back, and glutes

Lie facedown and extend your arms out at shoulder height, keeping your elbows slightly bent (A). Press your shoulder blades together and lift your arms, torso, and legs off the floor (B). Holding that position, bring your arms in front of you (C), hold for one count, and then move them back. Lower yourself to the floor. That's one rep. Do 10 to 15
MOVE 3Scissor Lunges
Targets lower body

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands clasped behind your head. Lunge forward with your left foot and lower yourself until your right knee almost touches the floor (A).Explosively push up and scissor your legs in midair, landing with your right leg forward (B). When you land, drop down, explode up, and scissor again. That's one rep. Do 3 or 4.

Trainer Tip Land as lightly and quietly as possible
MOVE 4Standing Bird Dog
Targets core and lower body

Stand with your arms at your sides, right foot raised a few inches behind you (A). Lean forward while you extend your right leg directly back and your left arm forward (B). Keep your right arm against your body. Your torso, left arm, and right leg should be parallel to the floor. Hold for one second, then return to start. Repeat on the other side. That's one rep. Do 5 or 6.
MOVE 5Mountain Climbers
Targets core and upper body 

Get in plank position with your hands directly below your shoulders and your feet together (A). Bend your left knee and draw it toward your chest (B). Extend back to start. Repeat with your right leg. That's one rep. Do 20 to 30, moving quickly.

Trainer Tip Brace your abs and keep your back flat.
MOVE 6Squat Thrusts
Targets core and legs

Stand with your feet together, arms at your sides. Bend your knees and place your palms on the floor in front of your feet and along the outsides of your knees (A). Using your arms for support, jump both feet back and land in plank position (B). Jump both feet forward to return to the squat. Return to standing. That's one rep. Do 12 to 15.
MOVE 7Pike Walk/Pushup Combo
Targets core and upper body

Stand with your feet together, arms at your sides (A). Bend over (it's OK for your knees to be slightly bent) and place your hands or fingertips on the floor in front of you (B). Walk your hands forward into plank position and do one pushup (C). Keeping your hands in place, walk your feet up until they're as close to your hands as possible. That's one rep. Continue moving forward until you've done 5 to 6 pushups.

Trainer Tip Keep your neck in line with your spine at all times.

Monday 2 March 2015

8 Weight Loss Tips from The Biggest Loser Experts.

Now you can learn to lose weight using the very same Biggest loser diet strategies that Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels share with contestants at The Biggest Loser ranch. As Bob and Jillian like to say, when you're trying to lose weight, success depends on one person: you. Make the commitment to eat healthier and amp calorie burn and the pounds will start to melt off. Are you ready? 
1. Crank up the incline
Jillian Michaels says, the next time you're doing your treadmill workout try boosting the incline. You'll change the muscles you're training; you'll up your calorie burn by increasing the intensity; and you'll add some variety to your cardio so you don't get bored.
2. Hold that position
Just because your heart isn't pounding doesn't mean you're not working out. Core workouts focus on improving strength and stability of the torso. Holding a yoga or Pilates pose offers as much of a challenge as a sweat-drenched workout, says Bob Harper. Start by holding a pose for 5 to 10 breaths, then gradually work up to holding it for one minute. These workouts offer benefits such as improved posture and strengthening the lower back as well as your abdominals. 
3. Ditch the soda
When it comes to choosing a beverage, don't drink soda, says Jillian. Whether it's sugared soda or diet soda, it's terrible for your body. It'll put weight on you, dehydrate you, and deplete the minerals from your system. Make a smarter choice. Sparkling water, unsweetened iced teas, green tea and white tea have been shown to burn more fat and up to 78 more calories per day. 
4. Throw your weight around
Discard the equipment for allover results. Jillian Michaels says that a great way to improve your balance and coordination is to work with your own body weight. Oftentimes when you go to the gym and you work on machines, it artificially isolates a muscle, which isn't natural. But when you do things like squats, lunges, push-ups, crunches, pull-ups--the variety of exercises is almost endless--you're forcing your upper and lower body to synergize and work together. This gives you more balance, more stability, more coordination and better overall performance. 
5. Get menu-savvy
Pay attention to therse healthy food terms. Almost 25% of Americans' meals come from eating out. So it's important to make your next restaurant visit a healthy one. Jillian suggests you look for steamed, boiled, baked, grilled, poached, or roasted foods on the menu. Don't be shy about making special requests if you don't see a figure-friendly option. When in doubt, go the salad route. Salads are a healthy choice, especially with dressing and cheese on the side. 
6. Avoid over-processed foods
Read nutrition labels to identify diet disasters. Bob suggests avoiding foods containing high fructose corn syrup, a sweetener and preservative that helps extend the shelf life of food. (Foods to watch out for: soda, cereals, bread, breakfast bars, ice cream.) It's found in processed foods that are often high in calories and low in nutritional value. Simply read the nutritional facts on your favorite foods to see if they contain high fructose corn syrup. If they do, throw them out.
7. Eat these for stress relief
Swap junk food for healthy comfort foods. Bob Harper says it's easy to make poor food choices when we're stressed--but here's the skinny on some real stress-reducing comfort food. Walnuts help replace stress-depleted B vitamins and it's a great source of omega 3s. Also try eating asparagus, a natural mood lightener. Dip them in fat-free yogurt for a touch more calcium. And when chocolate and only chocolate will do, go for the dark option. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants with the strength to fight not only cancer but also heart disease.
8. Torch calories with weights
Strength train for maximum calorie burn. When you're working out, it's important to incorporate weight training into your routine says Bob. You'll burn 8 to 10 calories a minute lifting weights. Also, lifting weights gives you a metabolic spike for an hour after your workout because your body is trying hard to help your muscles recover.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Flatten Your Belly with This Killer Ab Workout.

Get a tight stomach in just six weeks without doing a single crunch. This may be the easiest workout we've ever printed

Get ready to whip off your cover-up: This workout, created exclusively forWomen's Health by Rachel Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., owner of Results Fitness in Newhall, California, combines fat-burning cardio with moves that target your entire core rather than individual muscles (wouldn't it be great if there was a magical lower ads workout?), so you'll burn more fat while toning up.
Do these workout moves three non consecutive days a week. Start with the Basic Workout (moves 1-4 at right) to prime your muscles. After three weeks, you'll be ready to graduate to the Advanced Workout (moves 5-8). For maximum fat burning, perform the exercises as a circuit: Do one set of each move in the order shown, resting for 30 seconds between exercises. Then rest for a minute and repeat the circuit from the beginning.
Melt Your Middle
Follow this interval-training program three times a week after your core workout. It'll fire up your metabolism and burn off the fat that's hiding your abs. Intervals are short bursts of maximum-intensity effort—you're doing it right if you can't carry on a conversation—separated by periods of easy-pace recovery. In an Australian study, women who cranked out high-intensity interval training three days a week for 15 weeks dropped significantly more weight than those who exercised for the same period of time at a lower intensity.
For this interval workout, remember to include an easy 3- to 5-minute warm up and cool down. You can run, bike, or use the cardio machine of your choice.

 Max EffortEasy PaceReps
Week 11 minute2 minutes5
Week 21 minute90 seconds6
Week 31 minute1 minute8
Week 41 minute1 minute10
Week 575 seconds1 minute10
Week 690 seconds1 minute10

MOVE 1Basic Workout: Plank
Starting at the top of a pushup position, bend your elbows and lower yourself down until you can shift your weight from your hands to your forearms. Your body should form a straight line. Brace your abs (imagine someone is about to punch you in the gut) and hold for 60 seconds. If you can't make it to 60 seconds, hold for 5 to 10 seconds and rest for 5 seconds, continuing for 1 minute. Focus on form: Don't drop your hips or raise your butt.
MOVE 2Basic Workout: Side Plank
Lie on your right side with your legs straight. Prop yourself up with your right forearm so your body forms a diagonal line. Rest your left hand on your hip. Brace your abs and hold for 60 seconds. If you can't make it to 60 seconds, hold for 5 to 10 seconds and rest for 5; continue for 1 minute. Be sure your hips and knees stay off the floor.
MOVE 3Basic Workout: Glute Bridge March
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Rest your arms on the floor, palms up, at shoulder level. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees (A). Brace your abs and lift your right knee toward your chest (B). Hold for 2 counts, then lower your right foot. Repeat with the other leg. That's 1 rep. Do 2 or 3 sets of 5 to 10 reps.
MOVE 4Basic Workout: Lunge with Rotation
Grab a 5- to 15-pound dumbbell with both hands. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms straight out (A). Take a big step forward with your left foot and, bracing your abs, twist your torso to the left as you bend your knees and lower your body until both of your legs form 90-degree angles (B). Twist back to center, push off your left foot, and stand back up. Repeat on the other leg. That's 1 rep. Do 2 or 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps. Keep your elbows straight but not locked.
MOVE 5Advanced Workout: Plank with Arm Lift
Get into the plank position (toes and forearms on the floor, body lifted). Your body should form a straight line (A). Brace your abs and carefully shift your weight to your right forearm. Extend your left arm in front of you(B) and hold for 3 to 10 seconds. Slowly bring your arm back in. Repeat with the right arm. That's 1 rep. Do 2 or 3 sets of 5 to 10 reps, resting for 1 minute between sets.
MOVE 6Advanced Workout: Side Plank with Rotation
In a right-side plank position (A), brace your abs and reach your left hand toward the ceiling (B). Slowly tuck your left arm under your body and twist forward until your torso is almost parallel to the floor (C). Return to the side plank. That's 1 rep. Do 2 or 3 sets of 5 to 10 reps on each side, resting for 1 minute between sets.
MOVE 7Advanced Workout: Hip-Thigh Raise
Lie on your back with your right knee bent and your left leg extended. Rest your arms on the floor, palms up, at shoulder level with your hips about 2 inches off the floor (A). Raise your hips to form a straight line from your shoulders to your left foot (B). Hold for 2 counts, then return to start. That's 1 rep. Do 10 to 15 reps on each side. To make it harder, cross your arms over your chest.
MOVE 8Advanced Workout: Reverse Lunge with Single-Arm Press
Grab a 5- to 15-pound dumbbell in your left hand and hold it up next to your left shoulder, palm facing in (A). Step backward with your left foot and lower your body until your knees are bent 90 degrees (your left knee should nearly touch the floor) while pressing the dumbbell directly over your shoulder without bending or leaning at the waist (B). Lower the weight back to the starting position as you push quickly back to standing. That's 1 rep. Do 10 to 15, then switch sides.