Saturday 21 February 2015

Jennifer Lawrence Workout Routine Diet Plan for The Hunger Games.

The 23-year-old American and TV actress, Jennifer Lawrence is a renowned Hollywood icon. Most recently, her bestowment with the best actress academy award nomination increased her fame. At an age of 23 years, this is not a mere achievement. Most of her fans and admirers are expecting much from her particularly from her upcoming movie “The Hunger Games” in her role as Everdeen Katniss. Bearing this in mind, Jennifer has hired a trainer (Joseph Horrigan) for stringent workout and diet streamlining. A comprehensive analysis of these two aspects will be explained further in this context.

Jennifer Lawrence Workout Routine

  • Outlay
The program lasts in duration of six intensive weeks focusing on agility and speed training. In the preliminary stages, it goes for 3 days a week but with increased endurance, the days can go up to four for perfection. On each day, morning and evening exercises are scheduled. All these sessions begin with warm-ups to get blood flow on course.
  • Treadmill
At her 5' 9" height and around 130 pounds weight, she attributes treadmills to her leaner and impressive shape. In every session, with the help of her trainer, she does sprints, medicine ball exercises, track drills and agility drills. All these are summed up by bike riding in stationery positions.
Jennifer Lawrence Workout
Jennifer Lawrence leaving the gym in Santa Monica, California
  • Yoga is essential
Her role in the upcoming movie demands worrier stunts and skills, hence she needs concentration and flexible body. And for this she is practicing yoga. For excellent stunts, reinforcement is being done through tree and rock climbing to reach the pro level.
  • Cardio exercises are inevitable
Intensive exercising requires oxygen to prevent burning out. Jennifer thus values cardio exercises since these strengthen muscles particularly the heart muscle, facilitating increased blood circulation as well as reduce stress and depression in tasking activities. This is possible by improving fat used by muscles as well as aerobic metabolism speed.
  • Athletic skills
Other than just indoor activities that appear less practical, Jennifer also values track runs. At her flexible age, she is a considerably good athlete.  She is confident that such exercises enhance endurance in preparation of tasking activities in her role in The Hunger Games movie.

Jennifer Lawrence Diet Plan

  • Calorie intake is the key
Rather than focusing on eating specific foods, Jennifer’s aim is to optimize calorie intake. With this flexible plan, the opportunity to choose foods based on Jennifer’s preferences is open. However, this is a big transition since previously she was on a diet, which had massive proteins. In this case, the calorie intake also has limitation in terms of portion control. The secret is taking many carbohydrates contrary to fats.
  • The issue is not dieting
As Jennifer assents, the focus is not on becoming lean but being healthy. She detests dieting terming it a retrogressive approach to shape streamlining. To balance her calorie intake, she eats regular foods. To get a touch of all nutrients and avoid nutritional diseases she advises on eating a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Do not underestimate beverages
Sugared drinks such as coffee, orange juice and tea often contain more calories compared to junks such as burgers. Bearing this in mind, Jennifer adds such beverages in her menu. To remain hydrated always, she binges on water. Also as a protein source, she feeds on special fish with less fat.
  • Consistency is inevitable
As Jennifer’s trainer affirms, the outcomes of such a program solely depend on the individual’s effort. In this context, Jennifer never missed any session; she adhered to the stipulated exercise and diet regulations and was not deviant at any particular time. In essence, to get expected outcomes individuals must do as instructed.
Jennifer’s workout and diet plan is simple but has far fetched outcomes to facilitate healthy living and extreme body flexibility. From a summative view, the secret is adhering to your trainer’s tips and practicing the virtues of commitment and integrity as Jennifer reiterates. 

Razzleberry Shiver.


1 cup
1⁄2 cup
 plain, low-fat yogurt
1⁄4 cup
 nonfat or 1% milk
1 teaspoon


  1. Put all ingredients into a blender. Blend until smooth.
  2. Divide the mixture among four small bowls.
  3. Freeze for about 2 hours. Enjoy as you would ice cream!
  4. Refrigerate or freeze leftovers within 2 hours.


  • No blender?  Mash fruit well with a fork.
  • Make popsicles!  Spoon mixture into small paper cups or popsicle forms.  Add a smooth wooden craft stick.  Freeze until very firm so the sticks don't pull out.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Fresh Veggie Pizza.


1 package
 low-fat crescent rolls
4 ounces
 non-fat cream cheese
1⁄4 cup
 non-fat mayonnaise
1⁄2 cup
 non-fat sour cream
1⁄2 teaspoon
 dried basil (or thyme)
1⁄2 cup
 broccoli, chopped
1⁄2 cup
 cauliflower, chopped
1⁄4 cup
 green pepper, finely chopped
1⁄2 cup
 carrot, finely chopped
1⁄3 cup
 low-fat shredded cheddar cheese


  1. Heat oven to 350° F.
  2. Unroll the crescent rolls and place them on a baking sheet to bake. Bake for 10 minutes.
  3. Mix together the cream cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream and basil until smooth.
  4. Spread mixture on the cooled crescent rolls.
  5. Sprinkle the chopped vegetables and shredded cheddar cheese on top of the cream cheese mixture. Serve immediately.
  6. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.


  • Try substituting whole wheat flour tortillas for crescent rolls.
  • Use vegetables that are in season and lower in cost.

Chicken and Dumpling Casserole.


3 tablespoons
1 cup
 chopped onion (about 1 medium)
1 cup
 chopped carrots (about 2 small)
1 cup
 chopped celery (about 2 stalks)
3 cups
 low sodium chicken broth
3 tablespoons
2 cups
 cooked chicken, bite sized
1 cup
 frozen peas
salt and pepper (try 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon)
1 cup
2 teaspoons
 baking powder
1⁄4 teaspoon
1⁄3 cup
 non-fat or 1% milk


  1. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat (350 degrees in an electric skillet) and saute onions, carrots and celery until soft.
  2. Add a small amount of unheated broth to the flour and stir until smooth. Slowly stir in remaining broth and add to skillet. Stir over medium heat as the mixture thickens.
  3. Add the chicken, peas, salt and pepper. Heat on low while making dumplings.
  4. Dumplings: sift the flour, baking powder and salt together into a mixing bowl.
  5. Add the egg to the milk and beat until well blended. Stir into the flour until well combined.
  6. Pour the chicken mixture into a lightly oiled or sprayed casserole dish. Drop dumpling dough by spoonfuls onto chicken mixture. (makes about 8 dumplings)
  7. Bake uncovered at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until the dumplings are golden brown.
  8. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.

Shaun T’s Weight Loss Tips.

Shaun T., creator of “Insanity,” shows us what to eat to help us reach our weight-loss goals this year.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Jillian Michaels: Arms & Shoulders Workout.

Jillian Michaels: Arms & Shoulders Workout is a short, but effective strength training workout that is designed to sculpt muscle in the arms and shoulders, and boost the heart rate through a combination of cardio and weight lifting exercises. Burn fat as you build definition in your biceps, triceps, back, and shoulders with America's Toughest Trainer, Jillian Michaels. Tone your upper body and get ready for summer with this dynamic workout that will get you results fast!

Lose 10 Pounds With These 10 Tips.

If you want to lose 10 pounds (about 4.5 kilos) there is a good chance that those pounds were gained slowly over the course of many months and you have to accept that you won't lose them in a matter of a few days. Here are 10 top tips for losing 10 pounds.

1. Pick Your Time Carefully.

Your attempt to lose 10 pounds needs to start at an appropriate time. If you start at a time when there is a lot of stress or other distracting things in your life, your chances of failure increase.

2. Adjust Your Diet.

Try to add as much variety to your diet as possible. Eat more fruits and vegetables that are high in water, high in fibre and low in calories. Good examples include spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, watermelon, berries and apples.

3. Monitor Your Progress.

When you track the foods you're eating and the exercises you're doing it becomes easier to remain accountable for your dietary patterns.

4. Get A Friend To Do It With You.

When you lose weight with a friends it's a great and fun way to help you stick with your weight loss plan. You can provide support and encouragement for each other and track each other's progress.

5. Make Your Plan Realistic.

You have to set attainable goals for yourself. You're not going to lose 10 pounds in a single day so don't be in a huge hurry to lose the weight. The best way to lose weight is slowly than trying extreme quick-fix eating changes.

6. Tune In To Your Body.

Most people generally eat the same quantity of food at the same time each day. But is this what you need? Are you always hungry when you eat? Do you stop eating when you're full, or do you eat all of whatever you've made?

7. Eat Slowly.

Generally, you don't feel full until 20 minutes after you actually are full. This is why people get overstuffed. When you eat your food more slowly it will allow your body more time to signal to your brain that you are full.

8. Do Some Exercise.

Exercise must become a part of your lifestyle. You don't have to spend hours each day in the gym. Just find an exercise activity that you enjoy and can do on a regular basis.

9. Portion Control.

You may be have difficulty trying to lose 10 pounds despite the fact that you are eating in a healthy way because you are still eating too many calories. A simple way to cut down your portion sizes is to eat from a smaller plate.

10. Drink Less Alcohol.

Alcohol is very high in calories and is often consumed in large amounts because it's liquid. Have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. This will slow down your alcohol consumption and help you to feel full.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Claim your FREE eBook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.

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Wednesday 11 February 2015

Top 7 Natural Ways to Get Rid of High Cholesterol!

You have suddenly started finding it difficult to walk for more than fifteen minutes; whenever you climb up the stairs, you start perspiring or fighting for air; you have not been spending sufficient time on working out for the sake of your body; you have absolutely no control on your diet and there's nothing that you can do to get rid of the growing fats of your body, because you have to spend more than nine hours at the office, sitting right in front of the computer screen to work.

If you are going through the above mentioned scenes, it is time for you to find out your cholesterol levels. There have been cases in the past wherein people could not find about their increased levels, due to which they neglected their health furthermore. I know increased cholesterol is a common health issue, but there are people out there who are dying of heart attacks and other heart related problems. Increased levels can make your heart weak.

But don't you worry - there are many natural ways to keep your heart healthy and bring down those high levels of cholesterol. I am here to share the following seven ways for the same:

Eat right. Unless you maintain a proper diet, you can't get rid of the problem. Make sure that you include a lot of salads in your diet.

Avoid fatty foods. No matter how much you wish to grab a bite of burgers or eat all those deep fried stuffs, avoid them for a few months. Once your cholesterol is controlled, you can always treat yourself!

Search for some ayurvedic medicines to control the increased levels. There are many companies that are into the making of 'herb-based' medicines to keep an individual's heart as healthy as possible.

If possible, take out at least 40 minutes early in the morning to walk in the garden or park. It is essential for you to get some fresh air and keep their body moving to keep yourself healthy in all the possible ways.

Eat more of fruits. There are a lot of fruits that can bring down the increased levels of cholesterol in your body.

Always be happy and take as less stress as you can. Stress is the biggest contributor to all the heart related problems.

Avoid dried fruits like cashew nuts, almonds, nuts, etc. You can always have walnuts if you are addicted to dried fruits.

In order to know some more Natural Remedies For High Cholesterol , click on the mentioned link.

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6 Benefits Of Walking To Boost Your Health.

One of the main benefits of walking when it comes to your health is that it is a simple,cheap and the effective way of burning calories. While most of the benefits of walking are physically health-related, there are some mental benefits of walking too. Here are 6 benefits of walking to improve your health.

1. It's Simple To Fit Into Your Day:

You can easily fit walking into your day. For example, you can park your car a little further from work or get off public transport one stop early. It's low strenuous form of exercise that can fit into your daily schedule and walking can be enjoyed by all the family.

2. It Helps To Manage Your Weight:

The benefits of walking as a form of exercise helps to burn extra calories. A 15-minute walk after lunch at steady pace of 3mph will burn approximately 60-70 calories depending on your weight. While this doesn't sound like much, it amounts to 300 calories over a 5-day working week. Add to that some walking at the weekend and you can see how the calories burned over a week can really add up.

3. It Aids Your Circulatory System:

When you're walking your heart rate increases and this gets the blood moving around your body. When more blood goes to your body's cells it gets more good oxygen into your body and more unwanted carbon dioxide and waste out. A strong circulatory system helps to lower your risk of heart disease and reduce your blood pressure.

4. It's Good For Your Lungs:

Your lungs have to work harder when you walk to get air in and out. In the process, your lungs will gain capacity and become more efficient. More capacity and better efficiency helps your lungs to get more oxygen from the air and into your blood, and remove waste carbon dioxide from your blood into the air.

5. It Can Help Your Mood:

There are mental benefits of walking too. A walk after lunch can help you to clear your mind, relieve the any stress from the morning and help you to better prepare yourself for the work you have to do in the afternoon.

6. Improve Your Brain Power:

The benefits of walking also directly effect your brain. The brain functions better when your blood has flowed more throughout your body, you have more oxygen and less carbon dioxide in lungs and you're less stressed. The positive effects carry over for hours after you are done walking.

Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be difficult. For the best nutritional tips, the most proven exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please click here.

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Sugar - Some Unusual Uses of Sugar.

Sugar which is primarily used as a sweetener in foods has some other uses, some of which relate to the area of health. Here are a few surprising ways you can use sugar: 

1) Healing Wounds:

Wounds resulting from cuts, crushing and ulcers can be treated with sugar. Just apply a pinch of sugar on the wound and wait while the sugar kills the bacteria and heals the wound quickly.

2) Soothing a Burnt Tongue:

You may sometimes burn your tongue by sipping a hot beverage or biting into a dish without realizing how hot it is. You can arrest the burning sensation by taking a little sugar. Sugar not only gives your tongue a sweet taste but administers a soothing touch too. You will get instant relief from the burning sensation. By killing the bacteria on the spot that is burnt, sugar ensures that the wound on your tongue remains benign and short lived.

3) Cleaning Your Hands:

If your hands get dirty from grease, colour or some other grimy substance, add a bit of sugar to the soap foam and rub on your hands. You will see your hand turning miraculously clean immediately, a result even the most effective soaps can't give, when used alone.

4) Moisturising Your Lips:

You can create an excellent moisturising cream by adding a pinch of sugar to a mix of jojoba oil, olive oil and the mint of vanilla extract. Apply it on your lip and experience a highly effective moisturising.

5) Keeping Your Cakes and Cookies Fresh:

Put a few cubes of sugar into a sealed jar of cookies, cakes or cheese to keep the substance fresh long. Do this only in a sealed container since in a container that has air circulation, the sugar cubes may melt and make your cookies or cakes sticky.

6) Smoothen Your Skin:

Just as you can add sugar to a mixture of oils to prepare a moisturising cream for your lips, so you can make a skin cream by mixing sugar, one or more of Jojoba, Olive Canola and Almond oils and small quantities of essential oils. This oily cream can be used for body peeling. The rough texture of sugar will remove the broken cells of the skin and the oils will make your skin smooth.

The above are some uses of sugar for improving your health and physical upkeep. Sugar also has some other uses:

1) Calming the babies:

Mix one spoon of sugar with four glasses of water. Give a few ounces of this solution to your baby before vaccinating it. The baby will be calmer when it is being injected for vaccination. Pediatrics studies have confirmed this effect.

2) Nourishing the Flowers:

Add three teaspoons of sugar and two tablespoons of vinegar to one liter of water and use this mixture on your home flower patch. The stem of the flower will be nourished by sugar while the bacteria will be kept in check by the vinegar.

3) Killing insects and pesticides:

What is sweet to a man can be lethal to insects and pesticides!. You can use sugar as a pesticide and insecticide in several ways.

a) A mixture of sugar and baking powder kept in places frequented by cockroaches will kill the cockroaches. The sugar will attract them and the baking powder will do them in.

b) Boil a mixture of sugar, honey and water, taking them in equal quantities in a pot, stirring the mixture while it boils, to make the uniform and keep it fluid. Dip a sticky paper into this solution and hang the sheet on the wall by making a hole in the corner of the sheet. You will find flies flocking to the paper and getting stuck there.

c) Bury raw sugar in your garden to kill pesticides. Burying 5 kilograms of sugar for 250 square meters of sugar will be very effective. However, you will have to wait for sometime to see the results.

Who says sugar is not good for your health? You can make it good for improving your health in several ways besides using it fort other useful purposes too.

Article Source:

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Simple weight loss tips.

Jillian Michaels simple weight loss tips | Lose Belly Fat | Quick Fast Weight Loss.                                                                                                                                                                                         

Standing Abs Workout.

Jillian Michaels: Standing Abs Workout is a short abdominal exercise circuit that is designed to sculpt six pack abs, strengthen the core, burn calories, and tone the oblique muscles. Blast belly fat, slim the waistline and get shredded for summer with America's Toughest Trainer, Jillian Michaels. Try this unique ab workout anywhere and transform yourself for swimsuit-ready results!

Thursday 5 February 2015

Skillet Lasagna.


1⁄2 pound
 ground beef
1⁄2 cup
 chopped onion
2 cloves
 minced garlic (or 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder)
2 1⁄2 cups
 spaghetti or pasta sauce (26 to 28 ounce container)
1 cup
8 ounces
 wide noodles
1 package
 frozen chopped spinach, thawed (10 ounce)
1 package
 lowfat cottage cheese (12 ounces or 2 cups)
1⁄2 cup
 shredded mozzarella cheese (4 ounces)


  1. Stir ground beef, onion, and garlic together in a large skillet over medium high heat (350 degrees in an electric skillet) until meat is browned.
  2. Add spaghetti sauce and water to skillet and bring to a boil.
  3. Add uncooked noodles, stir, cover with lid, reduce the heat and simmer 5 minutes.
  4. Squeeze the thawed spinach to remove the juice then stir into the noodle mixture. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Spoon cottage cheese over the top. Sprinkle with mozzarella, cover and heat another 5 to 10 minutes until heated through and noodles are tender.
  6. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.


  • Add fresh or canned (drained) sliced mushrooms.
  • Use whole wheat pasta instead to increase fiber and make this a whole grain meal.
  • Try pasta in a different shape.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Chinese Spicy Noodles.


1 package
 (16 ounces) spaghetti, uncooked
2 tablespoons
 vegetable oil
1 medium onion, finely diced (about 1 cup )
6 cloves
 minced garlic or 3/4 teaspoon of garlic powder
2 tablespoons
 curry powder
1 tablespoon
 chili paste
2 tablespoons
 soy sauce
2 cups
 shredded cabbage (1/3 head)
1 cup
 shredded carrot
1 cup
 shredded zucchini
green onions, thinly sliced
2 large tomatoes, coarsely diced
1⁄4 cup
1⁄2 cup
lime wedges


  1. Boil water in a large pot; add spaghetti and cook until tender, about 10 minutes.
  2. Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat (300 degrees in an electric skillet). Add onion and sauté about 4 minutes.
  3. Stir in garlic, curry powder, chili paste, and soy sauce. Mix well.
  4. Stir in cabbage, carrot, and zucchini and cook, stirring, 3 to 5 minutes.
  5. Stir in green onions and tomatoes; continue to cook another 2 minutes.
  6. Drain pasta and mix in vegetables. Add honey and toss.
  7. Top with peanuts and serve with lime wedges.
  8. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours


  • Try adding 2 tablespoons peanut butter to increase protein.
  • Try whole wheat spaghetti.
  • To avoid peanuts or peanut butter, try sunflower seeds or sunflower seed butter.
  • Honey is not recommended for children under 1 year old.

Chicken Creole.


1 tablespoon
 vegetable oil
1 pound
 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 can
 diced tomatoes (with juice)
12 ounces
 chili sauce (about 1 cup)
large green pepper, chopped
ribs celery, chopped
small onion, chopped
2 cloves
 garlic, minced, or 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon
 dried basil
1 teaspoon
 dried parsley
1⁄4 teaspoon
 cayenne pepper
cooked brown rice or whole wheat pasta


  1. Heat pan over medium-high heat (350 degrees in an electric skillet). Add vegetable oil and chicken, and cook until no longer pink when cut.
  2. Reduce heat to medium (300 degrees in electric skillet).
  3. Add tomatoes with juice, chili sauce, green pepper, celery, onion, garlic, basil, parsley, and cayenne pepper.
  4. Bring to a boil; reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Serve over hot, cooked rice or pasta.
  6. Refrigerate leftovers within 2 hours.


No chili sauce? Make your own and reduce sodium using these ingredients:
  • 1 can (8-ounce) tomato sauce
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder