Monday 21 July 2014

How to Lose Weight Fast with Ice Cream.

How to Lose Weight Fast with Ice Cream: Lose 10 Pounds in 3 days or Lose 20 Pounds in 10 Days. 

Lose weight, detox, get on track with this plan in three days!

Weight loss is most successful if it is done little by little without denying oneself too much. That said, there are those dates and events when one just needs to lose a lot of weight fast. That is not the time to learn about the Atkins, South Beach, or Zone diet. It is the time when there is no time.

Here is a plan where you can eat ice cream on diet and still lose 10 pounds in 3 day, that is over 4 kilos /kg, and almost 5kilos/ kg in 3days. The same plan also allows you to lose 20 pounds in 10 days.

There are many stories as to the source of this diet, some claim it was invented by the Cleveland Hospital, some say it belongs to the American Heart Association. I have read people claiming they were given this diet to meet the weight limit to join the marines. None of this really matters, what you should know is that there is a plethora of obese, overweight people who have recorded that they lost weight, a few pounds or all their baby weight on this diet. This 3 day diet also works as a healthy detox.

Curb your cravings.

The other use of this diet is that it will jumpstart your long term diet plan. The best thing I have found about this diet is that it will certainly curb your cravings.  After those three days or week, you will see that for a while you will not get those carb or sugar cravings. That really helps start a long term diet, think of it as a three day to one week boot camp.

When to do the 3 day diet.

A few things to remember, this is a diet that requires you to be strongly motivated, so unless you are super determined because you want to fit in your dress in a few days, or you just need a lower number on the scale, it will be hard. So try this diet when there is an event that will push you to stay on it. And just repeat to yourself: It is only three days. There, one, two, three…

Get started.

This is definitely a healthy diet, you can check the nutritional amount of the foods yourself and calories as well. It will not work in the same way if you are already losing weight. This is really for starters, it is true that everyone loses faster in the beginning, but they just need the right plan.

I have tried this diet three times, and for sure this is the best way to lose 10 pounds in 3 days or 20 pounds in 10 days. The last time I did it, I cheated quiet a bit but I stayed within the structure, I ate smoked salmon instead of the tuna, I doubled the portions at times, my spoon of peanut butter might have been, well let’s say you could not see the bottom of the spoon either, and I still lost 6 pounds in three days. Surely, that is partially water, but as long as it does not come back, fat and water are all contained in my body weight.

The Plan

1st Day:
1 grapefruit
2 slices of low 2 tablespoons of sugar free peanut butter

½ cup of tuna OR ½ cup of low fat feta or cottage cheese OR ½ cup of sardines. No added oil.
2 slice of low calorie, low carb bread (each slice around 45 calories)

5 ounces of lean protein, you can use spices but no oil
1 cup of green vegetables (string beans, spinach, zucchine) steamed, grilled, raw or sautéed
1 cup of beets or carrots or celery
1 small apple or pear (eat with the skin)
1 cup of sugar free vanilla ice cream (Do not worry about the calorie or the fat, just make sure it is sugar free)

6 Dietitian Tips How to Control Your Appetite.

6 Dietitian Tips How to Control Your Appetite.



Dietitian Dr. Ludmila Denisenko advises us how to win the hunger. She suggests a few simple ways:
1. We often eat when we’re thirsty, because the centers of hunger and thirst in the brain adjacent to each other. Therefore, when you feel hungry, ask yourself: Is it really hunger, maybe it is thirst? Drink slowly, sip by sip a glass of room temperature water and wait until after 15 – 20 minutes. If that does not help you stop feeling hungry, try other ways.

2. The doctor says many of her patients (and she herself often does) when they feel hungry, they go to the bathroom and brush their teeth. If you use strong, very angry toothpaste, not just you will not want to eat, but also delicious food would seem repulsive. While brushing your teeth, do not forget to thoroughly clean the tongue, and you will lose your appetite for a long time.

3. Even more radical way is to take a shower and dry your hair. In doing so consistently watch your body in the mirror. If the figure is far from ideal, you stop to think of hunger, and you would not want to eat.

4. Very often a strong appetite is seen in people who do not take enough sleep at night, which is less than 8 hours and are not able to take a nap during the day. Lie down and sleep for 20-30 minutes. Short rest will give vigor and save you from unnecessary thoughts about food.

5. It often happens to confuse true hunger with the “emotional” hunger. Maybe you are in terms of emotional hunger. That’s why phone call a friend, relative or anyone else to whom you care. The doctor says that real hunger is when you open the fridge and it is unimportant what you will eat, and emotional hunger is when we want a particular type of food, such as chocolate, the same kind as that which we once got from a dear person. So if you were gripped by “emotional” hunger, grab the phone and call someone, with whom you can talk for at least 20 minutes. If you do not call, turn on the Internet and go to your favorite forum. Have fun and forget about hunger.

6. There is large number of flavors, which reduces appetite. These flavors are: green apple, banana, lavender, roses, conifers (cypress, pine, juniper), lemon, orange, grapefruit. This includes aromas of spices: anise, basil, cloves, ginger, bay leaves, cinnamon, coriander, marjoram, nutmeg, rosemary, celery, thyme. You should buy in a pharmacy a bottle of one of these aromatic oils. Always carry a bottle with you and inhale the aromatic oil both nostrils, ten minutes before meals. 

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Guacamole Dip or Salad Dressing.

Guacamole Dip or Salad Dressing.

3 ripe avocados
3 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 small onion very fine chopped
1 tsp. garlic powder
2 Tbsp. mayonnaise
Salt and pepper to taste
Dash of Tabasco sauce
Dash of Worcestershire sauce
Very finely chopped jalapenos peppers to taste
1 chopped ripe tomato

Placed peeled and cut avocados in a medium bowl and on low speed blend with mixer. Add
remaining ingredients, adding jalapenos to suit your taste and blend until mixture is thoroughly blended together but not soupy.

Chill and serve on lettuce as salad or with chips as dip. Place avocado pits in mixture while being stored in refrigerator to keep mixture from turning dark.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat.

Fruits and vegetables:

All fruits and vegetables, due to their rich nutrient and fiber content, help to combat chronic inflammation, so make sure to include adequate amounts of these foods daily.

Some types of fresh produce, however, are even more potent than others.

Some terrific anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables to include in your meal plan include apples, berries, broccoli, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple, and spinach.

View all:

The top 25 healthy fruits.

Blueberries, apples, cherries, bananas and 21 more healthy picks...

Take your pick of the 25 most nutritious, fibre-filled, disease-fighting healthy fruits for sale at your local supermarket. And they're delicious too!

Top 25 healthy fruits: 1-4

Few things compare to the sweetness of fresh-picked strawberries or the luscious first bite of watermelon that leaves juice dripping down your chin.

Fruits are not only delicious but healthful too. Rich in vitamins A and C, plus folate and other essential nutrients, they may help prevent heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent some types of cancer and guard against vision loss. They're so good for you that Health Canada recommends that most women get seven or eight servings of fruit and vegetables each day.

If it's the vitamins that promote good health, you may wonder if you can just pop supplements. Nope. Sun-drenched peaches and vine-ripened grapes contain more than just vitamins; they're a complex combination of fibre, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals – as well as the vitamins – that work in combination to provide protective benefits. You can't get all that from a pill.

• Nutritional value (1 medium): 75 calories, 3 g fibre
• Disease-fighting factor: Apples contain antioxidants called flavonoids, which may help lower the chance of developing diabetes and asthma. Apples are also a natural mouth freshener and clean your teeth with each crunchy bite.
• Did you know? An apple's flavour and aroma comes from fragrance cells in apple skin, so for maximum flavour, don't peel your apple. Plus, the vitamins lie just beneath the skin.

• Nutritional value ( ½ avocado): 114 calories, 4.5 g fibre, source of vitamin E and folate
• Disease-fighting factor: Avocados contain healthy monounsaturated fats that can help lower cholesterol levels when eaten instead of harmful saturated fats. For a heart-healthy boost, replace butter with avocado on your favourite sandwich.  
• Did you know? Babies love avocados. Their soft, creamy texture makes them easy to eat, and their high fat content helps with normal infant growth and development.

• Nutritional value (1 medium): 105 calories, 3 g fibre, source of vitamin B6, potassium and folate
• Disease-fighting factor: With 422 milligrams of potassium per banana, these sweet delights have more potassium than most fruit and may help lower blood pressure levels.
• Did you know? People with rubber latex allergies may also be allergic to bananas since the two come from similar trees and share a common protein.

• Nutritional value (1/2 cup/125 mL):
31 calories, 4 g fibre, rich in antioxidants
• Disease-fighting factor: Blackberries get their deep purple colour from the powerful antioxidant anthocyanin, which may help reduce the risk of stroke and cancer. Studies show that blackberry extract may help stop the growth of lung cancer cells.
• Did you know? The ancient Greeks called blackberries "gout-berries" and used them to treat gout-related symptoms.

Thursday 10 July 2014

The Weird Weight-Loss Tip That Boosts Confidence and Busts Stress.

From yoga to meditation, you may think you’ve done it all when it comes to managing stress. But odds are you haven’t yet heard of tapping, an intriguing combination of Eastern acupressure and Western psychology that’s been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and even aid in weight loss. Here, Jessica Ortner, tapping expert and author of The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence, gives us the scoop on this simple, slightly "woo-woo," yet effective weight-loss technique.

Shape: First of all, what is tapping?
Jessica Ortner (JO): I like to say that tapping is like acupuncture without the needles. Intuitively, when we are stressed out, we’ll touch between our eyes or on our temples—these are two meridian points, or points of comfort. The tapping technique I use, known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), requires you to mentally think about whatever is causing you discomfort, whether it’s anxiety, stress, or a food craving. While focusing on that issue, use your fingertips to tap five to seven times on 12 of the body’s meridian points, from the side of your hand to the top of your head.

Shape: How does it help reduce stress?
JO: When we stimulate our meridian points, we’re able to comfort our body, which then sends a calming signal to your brain that it’s safe to relax. So when you start to feel anxious, just begin to tap. It breaks the link between the thought (anxiety) and the physical response (stomach or headache).

 Shape: What first drew you to tapping?
JO: I first heard about it when I was sick in bed with a sinus infection in 2004. My brother Nick had learned about tapping online, and told me to try it. He had always played practical jokes on me, so I thought he was just messing around—especially when he had me tapping on the top of my head! But I started tapping while focusing on my sinuses, and it started to relax me. Then I felt a shift—I took a breath and my sinuses had cleared up. I was blown away.

Shape: How can tapping help with weight loss?
JO: For any woman—any human, really—if we don’t find a way to deal with our anxiety, we turn to food. It becomes our anti-anxiety medication: “Maybe if I just eat enough, I’ll feel better.” If you can reduce your stress and anxiety through tapping, you start to realize that food is not going to save you.
Shape: How can we “tap” to overcome food cravings?
JO: While food cravings feel physical, they’re often rooted in emotions. By tapping on the craving itself—the chocolate or potato chips you’re dying to devour and how badly you want to eat them—you can lower your stress and process, and release the emotions behind the cravings. Once you do that, the craving goes away.

Shape: What’s the most important thing that women who struggle with body confidence should keep in mind?
JO: It’s not about the weight—we need to deal with that critical voice we have in our head that’s holding us back in that harmful pattern. We can lose weight and say, “Oh I still need to lose five more pounds, and then things will be different.” It makes the process of getting healthy difficult because it’s hard to take care of something you hate so much. When we silence that critical voice through tapping, it gives us breathing room to love our bodies as we are and feel confident.

Shape: What would you say to someone who thinks tapping is too “out there” to work?
JO: Sure, it may be a little “woo-woo,” but it works—and there’s research to back it up: One recent study found that hour-long tapping sessions led to a 24-percent decrease (and up to 50 percent in some people) in cortisol levels. And the weight-loss benefits have been proven too: Australian researchers studied 89 obese women and found that after eight weeks of tapping for just 15 minutes a day, participants had lost an average of 16 pounds. Plus, our growing group of followers [more than 500,000 attended last year's Tapping World Summit] points to the fact that it really works—news is spreading that it only takes a few minutes to tap and feel a difference.
Watch this video to see Ortner demonstrate a tapping sequence you can try to reduce stress and eliminate food cravings!

Monday 7 July 2014

Crunchy Chocolate-Dipped Apricots.

Dress up dried fruit for just pennies and Crunchy Chocolate-Dipped Apricots. The bite-sized treat is perfect when you're craving a taste of sweetness and easy to grab on the go! Less than 100 calories.


    1/2 cup sliced almonds
    3 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped
    7 ounces dried apricots (about 18)


    1. Place almonds in a dry skillet over medium heat. Cook, shaking pan often, until nuts are fragrant and lightly toasted, about 4 minutes. Transfer to a bowl; chop finely when cool.
    2. Bring 1 inch of water to a simmer in a small pan. Place chocolate in a small heatproof bowl over simmering water. Let stand until chocolate is almost melted, about 5 minutes. Remove bowl from heat and stir chocolate until smooth.
    3. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Working one at a time, dip about 3/4 of an apricot into chocolate, allowing excess to drip off. Gently dip chocolate-covered part of apricot into chopped nuts and transfer to baking sheet. Repeat with remaining apricots, chocolate and nuts. Place in refrigerator until set, at least 20 minutes. Keep chilled until ready to serve.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Dark Chocolate Mulled Wine Sauce.

Dark Chocolate Mulled Wine Sauce.

This dark sauce takes advantage of chocolate's affinity for red wine. Dutch process cocoa lends the
sauce richer chocolate flavor than regular unsweetened cocoa. Store in the refrigerator for up to
one week. Less than 100 calories.


1 cup cabernet sauvignon or other dry red wine

1/2 cup sugar

1 sachet mulling spice blend

1/2 cup Dutch process cocoa

1 ounce semisweet chocolate, chopped.


Combine first three ingredients in a small saucepan; bring to a simmer. Cook 5 minutes. Discard sachet. Add cocoa and corn syrup, stirring with a whisk until smooth. Simmer 2 minutes; remove from heat. Add chocolate, stirring until chocolate melts. Cool to room temperature.