Monday 21 July 2014

How to Lose Weight Fast with Ice Cream.

How to Lose Weight Fast with Ice Cream: Lose 10 Pounds in 3 days or Lose 20 Pounds in 10 Days. 

Lose weight, detox, get on track with this plan in three days!

Weight loss is most successful if it is done little by little without denying oneself too much. That said, there are those dates and events when one just needs to lose a lot of weight fast. That is not the time to learn about the Atkins, South Beach, or Zone diet. It is the time when there is no time.

Here is a plan where you can eat ice cream on diet and still lose 10 pounds in 3 day, that is over 4 kilos /kg, and almost 5kilos/ kg in 3days. The same plan also allows you to lose 20 pounds in 10 days.

There are many stories as to the source of this diet, some claim it was invented by the Cleveland Hospital, some say it belongs to the American Heart Association. I have read people claiming they were given this diet to meet the weight limit to join the marines. None of this really matters, what you should know is that there is a plethora of obese, overweight people who have recorded that they lost weight, a few pounds or all their baby weight on this diet. This 3 day diet also works as a healthy detox.

Curb your cravings.

The other use of this diet is that it will jumpstart your long term diet plan. The best thing I have found about this diet is that it will certainly curb your cravings.  After those three days or week, you will see that for a while you will not get those carb or sugar cravings. That really helps start a long term diet, think of it as a three day to one week boot camp.

When to do the 3 day diet.

A few things to remember, this is a diet that requires you to be strongly motivated, so unless you are super determined because you want to fit in your dress in a few days, or you just need a lower number on the scale, it will be hard. So try this diet when there is an event that will push you to stay on it. And just repeat to yourself: It is only three days. There, one, two, three…

Get started.

This is definitely a healthy diet, you can check the nutritional amount of the foods yourself and calories as well. It will not work in the same way if you are already losing weight. This is really for starters, it is true that everyone loses faster in the beginning, but they just need the right plan.

I have tried this diet three times, and for sure this is the best way to lose 10 pounds in 3 days or 20 pounds in 10 days. The last time I did it, I cheated quiet a bit but I stayed within the structure, I ate smoked salmon instead of the tuna, I doubled the portions at times, my spoon of peanut butter might have been, well let’s say you could not see the bottom of the spoon either, and I still lost 6 pounds in three days. Surely, that is partially water, but as long as it does not come back, fat and water are all contained in my body weight.

The Plan

1st Day:
1 grapefruit
2 slices of low 2 tablespoons of sugar free peanut butter

½ cup of tuna OR ½ cup of low fat feta or cottage cheese OR ½ cup of sardines. No added oil.
2 slice of low calorie, low carb bread (each slice around 45 calories)

5 ounces of lean protein, you can use spices but no oil
1 cup of green vegetables (string beans, spinach, zucchine) steamed, grilled, raw or sautéed
1 cup of beets or carrots or celery
1 small apple or pear (eat with the skin)
1 cup of sugar free vanilla ice cream (Do not worry about the calorie or the fat, just make sure it is sugar free)

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