Thursday 9 July 2015

53 Exceptional Super Foods that Burn Fat.

Someone has correctly said – you become what you eat. Your mental and physical health directly or indirectly depends on your diet. If you want to keep your weight under control, then a few changes in lifestyle have to be made. To initiate this process, make your diet wholesome and balanced. Eat something that is a combination of taste and health. Instead of munching on your favorite chocolate bar or pumpkin pie, look for some healthy options. Along with nutritious foods, include exercise in your daily schedule. Acquaint yourself with the super foods that will burn fat by suppressing appetite and boosting your metabolism, thereby helping you get back in the shape.
1. Oats
This fiber-rich food perks up metabolism and makes you feel fuller for longer. Combine oats with yogurt and fruits. Have it in your breakfast.
  • Alternatively, cook oats in milk and add some banana to it. The richness of beta-glucans, a kind of fiber in oats, makes it effective in fortifying your immune system.
2. Oranges
Oranges are loaded with fiber and have very fewer calories. They can be taken in small proportions in place of candies, to satiate the sweet tooth.
3. Spices
Include spices (including mustard seeds, ginger, ginseng, black pepper and turmeric) in your diet. They increase the metabolic rate of the body and burn extra calories.
4. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are the powerhouse of essential nutrients, such as dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, iron, magnesium, and phytochemicals, like beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, etc. The high amount of dietary fiber in sweet potato takes a long time to digest and thus accelerates metabolism, which, in turn, helps burn more calories and reduces weight.
5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes have got many good things that will help you lose tons of weight.
6. Raspberries
Raspberries are extremely rich in fiber. The water-soluble component of raspberries, known as pectin, lowers the cholesterol levels.
7. Strawberries
This fruit is loaded with fiber and vitamin C. Fiber makes you feel full for longer, and vitamin C keeps the skin healthy. A cup of strawberries has more than the daily recommended dose of vitamin C.
8. Chickpeas
Chickpeas are the storehouse of vital nutrients, like fiber, protein, vitamin B6 and foliate, which play an important role in the formation of new cells and repair of muscles in case of cell rupture. They satiate your hunger instantly and keep you feel full for longer.
9. Pumpkin
A cup of cooked pumpkin contains 3 grams of fiber, vitamin A, C, E, and potassium. The fiber present in pumpkin checks your weight by keeping you feel full for longer. It can be consumed in the form of salad or can be used in the formation of delicious recipes.
10. Almonds
Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids along with other vitamins and calcium. Try a handful of almonds along with a glassful of orange juice. This combination will act as an instant power booster and make you feel full for longer, giving you essential nutrition.
  • Alternatively, almonds can be taken in the form of smoothie with fruits like apple, banana, etc., and milk. All the ingredients together will give you a feeling of fullness and simultaneously improve your health.
11. Grapefruit
It is often called as diet fruit as it lowers the insulin and fat storage hormone that effectively aids in weight loss. If taken along with every meal, grapefruit can help you lose 3-4 pounds in a month.
12. Grapes
A few grapes can act as an instant energy snack. They just have a handful of calories. Grapes are rich in fiber and suppress your appetite for longer; thus, keeping your weight under check.
13. Dark Chocolate
Believe it or not, giving you little treats can be a secret to weight loss. Dark chocolate is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), which, in fact, heal our metabolism and burn the additional fat and calories. Have chocolate as a dessert after dinner. It will curb your cravings for salt and sweet.
14. Popcorn
Popcorns are very high in fiber and low in fat. They contain protein and vitamin B, which make them a power food. You can eat them as an instant snack to satiate your hunger.
15. Yogurt
Try yogurt along with cereals, like corn flakes, wheat or oat flakes. It can also be taken along with apple to satisfy your hunger and control your weight.
16. Hummus
Try a handful of pretzels and a bowl of hummus. It is packed with carbohydrates that will energize you and proteins that will help repair cells after a strenuous workout.
17. Coconut Water
Drink at least 2 glasses of coconut water every day. It helps replenish the body with the daily requirements of electrolytes that often get depleted during fever or vomiting. Alternatively, squeeze a lemon into the coconut water for yummy savor.
18. Cauliflower
Steamed cauliflower or cauliflower soup is affluent in compounds, like glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps the immune system battle against flu and viral infections. This veggie is also a good option for weight conscious people.
19. Chamomile Tea
Steep some chamomile leaves in water for 5-10 minutes. Strain it and sip it throughout the day after it cools. This super food alleviates the tummy problems, reduces inflammation and helps shed extra flab from your body.
20. Ginger
Ginger acts as a thermogenic agent that boosts up the metabolic rate and enhances satiety to keep your weight under check. You can suck on raw ginger pieces, add it to your food or use it in tea to garner its benefits.
21. Green Tea
Green tea contains catechin along with phytonutrients and antioxidants that enhance the rate of metabolism, thereby supporting in weight loss. To shed your waistline fast, sip at least 5 cups of green tea in a day.
Note: For the best results, do not add any sweetener to it.
22. Quinoa
It can be an alternative to calorie-rich rice and potato. These rank low on the glycemic index and are loaded with vitamins that keep you in the pink, without adding up extra calories.
23. Apple
Certain fruits expedite weight loss along with energizing you. Apples are one of them. They are the rich source of dietary fiber, which gives you feeling of fullness and reduces the cravings in between meals.
Note: Wash your apple properly and do not remove the peel while having it.
24. Beans
Replace carbohydrate-rich foods, like bread and rice with beans. They are rich in fiber, thus facilitate in regulating the blood sugar levels and improving the digestion.
25. Chicken Breast
Chicken breast is high in protein content and low in fat. It can lead to high metabolism if combined with strength training.
26. Egg Whites
Include plenty of eggs in your diet, especially in breakfast. A very rich source of protein and unsaturated fatty acids- eggs, are good for health and help maintain optimal weight.
27. Pears
One pear contains 15% of your daily recommended dose of fiber. Varied properties, high water and fiber content, and scrumptious taste make it a super food for reducing your weight.
28. Pine Nuts
Now you have a reason to enjoy your nuts, without any guilt. They have the property of suppressing your appetite because of phytonutrients in them. Have a handful of nuts every time you feel an urge to eat a snack.
29. Lentils
Lentils are fiber-rich foods, low in sugar and high in protein. Also to keeping you energetic and mentally alert, they play a great role in lowering the blood sugar level and losing calories fast.
30. Mushrooms
Next time if you go out for having pizza and opt for mushroom topping instead of pepperoni or sausage; you have more chances of shedding those extra pounds fast. Mushrooms are high in proteins and vitamins, and low in calories.
31. Hot Peppers
Hot peppers help reduce weight. Surprised? Many of us don’t know that hot peppers play a very significant role in burning the extra calories by boosting up the metabolism.
32. Broccoli
Broccoli is best known for its cancer prevention properties. Its fibrous content and 30 calories per serving make it one of the best super foods for cutting down the flab. Spice your broccoli with salt and black pepper and eat it raw, or sprinkle it on soups, salads, and yogurt.
33. Organic Meat
If you relish non-vegetarian food, then the lean organic meat can be a healthy option, as it is less in fat and high in protein. Moreover, it can be easily digested, thus aid in shedding those extra pounds.
34. Cantaloupe
This food is sweet but not high in calories; hence, can be added up as salad dressing, or can be eaten as such. It is rich in fiber and helps in water retention in the body, which, in turn, makes you feel full for longer.
35. Spinach
This vegetable is well-off in fiber, high in vitamins and minerals and helps in water retention. If you are looking forward to losing weight, then replace your high-calorie food with a bowl of spinach.
36. Asparagus
Asparagus is abundant in soluble fiber – inulin, which suppresses hunger and frequent cravings. Besides, it also contains folate and vitamin A. It has the potential to lower the blood sugar levels, stimulate the probiotic growth, regulate the digestive system and manage the body weight.
37. Cinnamon
Cinnamon plays a significant role in regulating the blood glucose level. At least 1 tbsp of cinnamon must be taken along with daily diet to see positive weight loss results.
38. Avocado
Avocado contains oleic acid, a kind of monounsaturated fatty acid, which trims down the additional flab, especially from the belly region. It fights off the free radicals and slows down the digestion.
39. Peanut Butter
Peanut butter satisfies frequent cravings and doesn’t allow them to re-occur, thus keeping a check on your weight.
40. Salmon
Salmon is a kind of lean meat and is loaded with protein, so can be easily considered as a part of healthy diet plan. You can easily replace red meat and other junk food with salmon, which is full of monounsaturated fatty acids and low in calories.
41. Greek Yogurt
It is a healthier form of yogurt with less sugar and higher quantities of protein. It curbs your cravings and supports your digestive system.
42. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic apple cider vinegar stimulates the digestive system and promotes weight loss by suppressing your urges. It must be taken along with distilled water ½ hour before a meal. It will also maintain the pH balance of the body.
43. Olive Oil
Olive oil reduces blood cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, as it is low in saturated fat. It contains monounsaturated fatty acids that are more satisfying than normal fatty acids present in other edible oils.
44. Turkey Breast
Turkey breast is loaded with protein and is useful for the people who are on diet or practice strength training.
45. Blueberries
Blueberries are best known for their anti-aging properties. They taste amazing and help break down fat and sugar naturally as they are rich in fiber and low in calories.
46. Flax Seeds
The richness of omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber in flax seeds help retain water in the body and give you a feeling of fullness. It boosts metabolism and lowers the level of cholesterol in the body.
47. Black Beans
Black beans are a good alternative to rich protein sources, like red meat and fish. They do not contain any saturated fats like other protein sources; hence, are considered as excellent food for weight loss.
48. Brown Rice
Brown rice is rich in fiber and resistant starch (a healthy carbohydrate that helps boost metabolism and burn fat). It is considered as a low-energy-dense food. Since it is low in calories, people who consume brown rice in place of white rice do not gain weight.
49. Wine
Wine is prepared by fermenting grapes, and thus resveratrol (an antioxidant found in grapes) prevents fat storage in the body. A glass of wine equals 90 minutes of workout.
50. Cheese
Cheese contains monounsaturated fatty acids and helps you stay full for a long time. It curbs the urge to eat something.
51. Low-fat Milk
Low-fat milk is low in calories and high in calcium because of monounsaturated fatty acids that help you suppress your hunger for a long time and burn more fats and calories.
52. Pearl Barley
These are rich in starch and low in calories. A ½ cup serving contains just 2 grams resistant starch that is good for burning fat.
53. Beetroot
Beets are the powerhouse of vitamins and minerals and contain zero fat (half cup contains 37 calories). It has low calories and thus helps lose weight. 

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