Friday 7 August 2015

4 Tactics Busy people can use now to jump start their weight loss.

Super busy? No time to exercise? I understand. I have been helping executives like you to lose weight while on the go. No matter how busy you are, you know that your physical wellbeing affects your appeal, corporate image, energy level, productivity and job opportunity. 
Here are 5 tips any busy professionals that can use to jump start their weight loss 

1) Contrast showering 

Do you know that you have a special fat that burns fat. Weird right? These are call brown adipose tissue or brown fat. In contrast to white fat which stores calories. These fat burn calories. As adults most of the brown fat we have are located at the upper chest and upper back area near the neck. 

One way to activate it is to use hot water to heat up that area in a shower then immediately switch to cold water then repeat for 10 minutes. Contrasting between hot and cold water activates your brown fat to burn extra calories. 

2) Take whey protein when too busy to eat 

There are times when busy professionals such as you are truly down on crunch time especially when working on a project. No time to eat on a deadline? Get 2 scoops of whey protein ready in a shaker bottle. Mix with water and drink it. It only takes 2 minutes max. Now you can totally focus on your work and not get distracted by hunger. The whey protein will give you consistent energy comparing to sugary energy bars which will cause energy crash. 

3) Eat your favorite High Calorie Food once a week 

Most people think that the trend now is eating cheat meal and cheat day for psychological reasons to reward yourself . The truth lies in your hormones. Once you start to diet down, your body produces less leptin, the master hormones that burns fat in your body. That would lead you to a weight loss plateau. Binging once a week gives leptin a needed bump to keep your metabolism up and keep burning fat and seeing progress. 

4) Eat your carbs at dinner 

Most people skip carbs for dinner now due to claims by famous people that eating after 6pm is bad for the abs. The problem with this is that most people don’t have a personal chef to cook their meals. They might skip a few meals during the day and night time is the best time to get in on those carbs. Its alright, just as long as you remember to pair it with any protein such as chicken, lamb, or beef to increase satiety and preventing overeating. Besides that, night carbs help you sleep better which is another critical element for weight loss.

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