Wednesday 30 September 2015

‘Silver Bullets’ to Fight the Common Cold and Other Infections.

The writing could finally be on the wall for the common cold and other winter-related infections like the Norovirus vomiting bug.

Finally, doctors are starting to recognise that antibiotics used to treat different types of infection are gradually losing their ability to help in an increasing amount of cases.

There’s no refuting the fact that antibiotics have helped save countless lives, however, certain strains of bacteria have developed a resistance to the action of these drugs – making them less effective in fighting infections.

Silver in your yoghurt pot

The answer to the problem takes us back to a trace element the ancient Greeks and Romans recognised as a powerful infection-fighter… Colloidal silver!

In fact, colloidal silver was a mainstay treatment for conventional doctors until penicillin and other patented antibiotics were introduced as new wonder drugs. Since preparations of colloidal silver were unpatentable, they predictably fell into disuse.

That is until recently, when Belgium researchers from the University of Ghent, turned bacteria, normally found in yoghurt, into ‘silver bullets’ that can destroy viruses.

Sounds like something out of a fabulous futuristic film, doesn’t it? Fortunately, it’s all true!

Professor Willy Verstraete, a microbiologist, and fellow researchers, attached nano-particles of silver onto the surface of Lactobacillus fermentum — a harmless bacteria, and tested the silver-impregnated bacteria against the Norovirus which typically causes 90 per cent of the gastroenteritis cases around the world. Results found that the ‘silver bullets’ left the virus unable to cause infections.

The findings were unveiled at a meeting of the Society for Applied Microbiology in London last week. Prof. Verstraete said the bacteria could be incorporated into nasal sprays, water filters and hand washes to prevent viruses from being spread.

Nasal sprays, according to Prof. Verstraete, carrying silver studded bacteria may provide an alternative in the fight against respiratory infections like flu, which normally spreads through the air when infected individuals sneeze and it is breathed in by those around them.

Powerful weapon in the war on infection

The re-discovery of silver as a safe and effective way to help keep infections at bay is a blessing in more than one way.

As we know, antibiotics are not always effective in fighting infections and the more powerful the antibiotics become the more likely they are to cause harmful side effects, which limit their usefulness. These side effects include diarrhoea, vomiting, skin rashes, ringing in the ears with the risk of deafness, jaundice, and even epileptic fits.

This is exactly why silver is such a versatile and safe infection-fighter. Not only is it effective in the treatment of viral infections like the flu and upper respiratory infections but it’s also perfectly efficient in fighting bacterial infections like strep throat as well as fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot and Candida.

It’s important to note that silver exists in different forms and some forms are beneficial, whilst others are toxic. For example, silver ions (free molecules of silver that are not bound to another substance), such as those found in silver jewellery, are usually toxic in high concentrations. However, when silver is bound and locked up in a solution it becomes safe to take and offers benefits against a range of infections. This form of silver is called colloidal silver, or Mild Silver Protein (MSP).

Along with the most recent study from Belgium, there is a wealth of evidence confirming the infection-fighting benefits of colloidal silver:

1. Silver protein reduces the risk of eye infections following eye surgery: Researchers examined the effect of colloidal silver drops in preventing eye infections following surgery to the eye. Results showed that, when silver protein eye drops were administered, only 11 out of 4,594 patients developed an infection, whereas without treatment with silver eye drops it was estimated that 45 patients would have been at risk of developing an eye infection – meaning that treatment with silver cuts the infection rate four-fold.

A survey was also carried out which revealed that eye specialists increasingly give colloidal silver protein eye drops to their patients as a routine treatment before eye operations, as a preventative against infections developing.

2. Putting an end to chronic ear infections: One study showed that the effects of silver were found to be mild but persistent, without any side effects. In addition, it was found that silver used together with conventional antibiotics may become up to 14 times more effective. For this reason, silver is also believed to be effective in mild, ordinary ear infections such as those affecting people following flu or because of swimming in dirty water.

3. Relief against cystitis and other urinary infections: Cystitis is a common infection, especially among women, which affects the bladder and sometimes the urethra. Many sufferers experience frequent bouts of cystitis that don’t respond to conventional antibiotics. This is because there are only three or four different types of antibiotics commonly used to fight cystitis, and so many strains of bacteria (such as E. coli) have become resistant to them.

Women are more likely to suffer from cystitis because of the ease of access bacteria have in reaching the bladder, due to the shortness of the female urethra. In addition, antibiotics used to treat the problem can actually trigger attacks of cystitis – particularly in those whose immune systems are already compromised.

Japanese scientists have found that silver protein is effective in preventing urinary infections. In particular, they found that urinary catheters coated in silver protein reduce the amount of bacteria in the urine and lessen the likelihood of infections in people who have to use catheters, such as those recovering from a stroke or following surgery.

What to take for best results

Although many people taking silver protein have not reported any side effects, it is best to avoid using very high dosages for long periods of time without medical supervision.

The strength of each preparation is measured in parts per million (ppm). The higher the ppm number, the stronger the preparation. Colloidal silver protein is used as follows:

Eye infections: 50-100 ppm in eye drop form, twice a day

Burns, cuts and skin injuries: In spray or liquid form, 100 ppm used four to six times a day

Nose infections and sinusitis: 100-200 ppm in nasal spray form, four times a day

Ear infections: usually a higher strength, 300-500 ppm in liquid, four times a day

Flu: 400 ppm four to six times a day as soon as symptoms first appear

It is important to only take silver from a reputable supplier, to ensure a strong and stable potency of the solution and to follow the dosage instructions given on the product’s label.

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