Saturday 10 January 2015

Get a flat tum – fast!

Banish your post-party season belly with this quick and easy interval workout:

Exercise: belly blasters

The problem with party season is that, while it’s enjoyable at the time, we’re often left paying for the indulgence well into the new year. The flat tummy we worked so hard to chisel has gone to pot, and there might be a few unfamiliar wobbly bits here and there, too.

Not to worry, though. We’ve put together this high-intensity interval workout that alternates full-body, fat-burning moves with tummy toners, so you can get back to your old self in no time:.

Kit you’ll need

Stability ball

2 x dumbbells

Medicine ball


How to do it

Perform the moves below in the order listed for 30 seconds at a time. Take 10-15 seconds rest between each move, but make sure the intensity is high during the work phase. Repeat the full workout for the allotted sets for your level.

Beginner: 2 sets

Intermediate: 3 sets

Advanced: 4 sets

Mountain climbers

Areas trained: core, legs, hips


From plank position on your hands, bring one foot up to the outside of your hand, letting the hips drop. Keep the back leg straight and front leg bent. Jump to switch sides so that the opposite leg is straight and the other is bent with the foot outside of the hand. Continue to alternate for each rep.

Safety tip:

Keep your neck in line with your spine and don’t let your head drop

Stability ball crunch

Area trained: stomach


Lie with your back on a stability ball and feet flat on the floor, hands by your temples. Without lifting the hips, curl your upper back off the ball as far as comfortable.

Lower and repeat.

Safety tip: Don’t strain your neck.

Single-arm snatch:

Areas trained: bottom, thighs, back, core


Bend at the hips and knees to take hold of a dumbbell between your feet with one hand. Explosively extend your body, driving the dumbbell towards the ceiling using the momentum generated.

Lower and repeat, alternating arms with each rep.

Safety tip: Keep a flat back when picking up the dumbbell.

Plank extension:

Areas trained: core, stomach

Technique: Start in plank position with forearms on a stability ball.

-Nudge the ball out as far as comfortable then immediately return to the start.

-Repeat in a rapid, fluid motion.

Safety tip:

Don’t let your hips drop lower than the rest of your body.

Jumping split squat:

Areas trained: bottom, legs


Stand with one foot a large step in front of the other with both knees bent to 90, degree angles, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Jump up as high as you can then land softly, going straight into another rep. Perform for 30 seconds on one leg, then the other to complete a full set.

Safety tip:

Keep your torso upright throughout

Russian twist:

Areas trained: stomach, sides


Sit with feet slightly off the floor and upper body slightly reclined, holding a medicine ball in front of your chest. Twist your upper body to bring the ball towards the floor, then twist the other way reversing the movement. Repeat fluidly.

Safety tip:

Keep a natural arch in your lower back – don’t let it overarch

Clean and press:

Areas trained: bottom, thighs, back, core, shoulders, upper arms


Holding a barbell in front of your thighs, bend your legs to create momentum, then row the barbell up towards your chin. Rotate your grip to drop your elbows under the barbell. Extend your arms to push the barbell up towards the ceiling. Reverse the movement and repeat.

Hot tip:

This moves works your body from head to toe!

Stability ball roll-in:

Areas trained: core, stomach


Start in plank position on your hands, with your feet on a stability ball. Roll the stability ball towards your hands with your legs. Extend your legs back to the start and repeat.

Safety tip:

Make sure your lower back doesn’t overarch when in plank position.

Flat tummy foods:

It’s true what they say – you can’t out-train a bad diet. So to really see results, chow down on these  recommended foods recommended:

1 Turkey. ‘Make sure you’re getting a portion of protein with each meal. This is because protein eaten with a carbohydrate changes it into a slow-releasing carbohydrate. It also encourages the production of glucagon, which encourages the body to burn fat for energy.’

2 Broccoli. ‘It’s high in the mineral chromium, which helps control blood sugar levels, which in turn helps to prevent sugar cravings.’

3 Kiwi. ‘Research has shown that people who have good levels of vitamin C – which kiwi is high in – burn 30 per cent more fat when they exercise.’

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